September Home Focus

After the school holidays, September feels like the perfect time to reset. It seems we are starting to see the first signs that Autumn is on its way, whilst still enjoying some warm weather and light(ish) evenings.

This has got us thinking ahead to the month of September and what we’re likely to be focussing on in our homes. Being a sustainable business, we believe strongly in reusing and recycling, so our focus here will be on environmentally friendly choices to give our homes that September update.

  1. Clean & Tidy

    This kind of clean is different to the monotonous weekly clean that fills our minds and time - it’s if you have an hour free and are in the mood just to ‘sort’ stuff out, and is as good for the home as it is for the soul. It could involve sorting through a wardrobe, or a couple of kitchen cupboards but will hopefully result in a few bags for the charity shop or to sell online, and a clearer space to live in.

  2. Living Sustainably

    It’s a great time to invest in some things for the home which will have a long term impact. It could be a compost bin for food waste, or a reusable coffee cup to reduce the use of single use plastic, or even swapping plastic shampoo and shower gel bottles for soap bars.

  3. Reusing

    An earth friendly and cost saving method is to look at reusing items in the home. It could be taking old clothes / bedding and turning them into cleaning cloths, or taking old coffee mugs and repurposing as herb and small plant pots. Looking for a way to entertain small children? Old egg boxes can be used in various activities, making them eggstremely useful! We love these ideas here.

Stancliffe Homes is a family run housebuilder based in Chesterfield. The latest development is in Bolsover, and the company specialises in high quality new build homes.

Stancliffe Homes builds a range of properties from 3 bed bungalows to 5 bed houses.

Sam JonesStancliffe Homes