Water Saving Tips

We’re all aware of how hot and dry it’s been this summer, but it’s had a huge knock on effect in terms of water supply across the UK. With a hosepipe ban on the horizon, and further water shortages predicted, there’s been no better time to watch how much water we are using. There are so many easy ways to use water more efficiently at home, and even small changes will have a big impact, including the below:

Clearing up

Invest in a washing up bowl or fill up the sink, rather than placing plates and cutlery under a running tap. Even better? Opt for the dishwasher (only with a full load), as this uses less water than if you were to wash everything up by hand, even using the trusty washing up bowl! 

Turn those taps off

Save 6 litres of water a minute by turning off the tap whilst brushing your teeth. Fix those leaky taps too, as this could prevent 60 litres of water being wasted per week.

A great suggestion is also cooling water in the fridge in a large bottle, to avoid unnecessarily running the tap to get to the cooler water. 

Bathroom tricks

Challenge yourself to shower for a shorter time in the morning, every second truly counts with 12 litres of water being used per minute. If baths are your thing, or if you have young children, only fill to the minimum and check out water saving products such as this baby dam

Washing Clothes

Always wash clothes with a full load, rather than half. This may require slightly more waiting, but the effect is huge and will also result in lower bills. On the subject of washing, we’ve found these amazing ‘wash bags’ which reduce the amount of harmful microfibre waste going into the oceans, and keeps your clothes fresher for longer.

Garden tips

Hosepipe ban not included, always water plants either first thing in the morning or in the evening, to avoid the water evaporating when the day starts to heat up. Also, water plants at the root, so you are on target and supplying water right where it needs to be. 

As a house builder, we recognise our role in shaping how we go about our day to day lives and are always looking at ways to build more sustainably, and to encourage us all to live in a more environmentally conscious way.

Stancliffe Homes are a new home builder based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. We deliver a large range of high quality new housing developments with a variety of homes and bungalows. Our latest new homes will be available in Bolsover and The Peak District.